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Welcome to Reception!


Welcome to the Spring Term. We hope that you all had a special Christmas together with your children. We are now a couple of week's into the first half of this term and the children are thoroughly enjoying learning through our new topic 'Down on the Farm'. 


On this page you will be able to keep up to date with the children's learning, access class information and see pictures of their fantastic work. 


As an Early Years team, we are very excited to be a part of your child's journey and cannot wait to make lots of happy memories. Thank you for your continued support. 


Miss Juliff and Miss Holland



Half Term Challenges


Please take a look at our Half Term challenges on the link below. Enjoy doing some of the challenges with your child and maybe bring in a picture of your exploits for our learning wall!


Have fun and have a lovely Half Term! 





Fruit - Please provide your child with 1 piece of fruit per day. Alternatively, you can pay a small fee for your child to have fruit from school. Please talk to a member of staff for more information. 


Water bottles - Please provide your child with a labelled water bottle that they will have access to throughout the day. 


Outdoor Learning - The children will be given lots of opportunities to engage with outdoor learning in various spaces. It is important that you bring a pair of labelled wellies into school for your child to wear if the weather permits. 


P.E - Please can all children wear their P.E kit to school on a Friday. This includes a navy tracksuit, white t-shirt and trainers. 


Home Learning Books - Please can the 'My Home Learning' books be sent into school every Wednesday so the teachers can look at the work your child has done at home. The books will be sent home every Friday afternoon with new challenges.


Read Write Inc Books - Miss Matthews/Miss Baker's group - Please bring your book every day as they will be updated on a daily basis with new sounds.

                                         Miss Holland & Miss Juliff's groups - Please bring your books every Wednesday to be updated. New word lists or books will then be given every Friday.


If you wish to speak to us at any time, LSOs will be available on the door every morning and teachers every afternoon. You can also contact us via the school office email. 


Diolch yn fawr! 



The Goldilocks song

Listen to a traditional song about Goldilocks in the house of the bears. lyrics : When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears Oh what did her blue eyes see? A bowl that was big A bowl that was small A bowl that was tiny and that was all She counted them: one, two, three.
