Welcome to Nursery!
Welcome to the first year of your child's learning journey at West Park Primary School!
We are so delighted that you have decided to join us.
Our staff in the Nursery are committed to ensuring that your child/children are happy and content and making lots of new friends whilst engaging in their daily experiential play.
Meet the team...
Miss B Britten
Learning Support Officers
Mrs K Morris
Miss F Owen
Our Early Years topic this Summer Term is 'Alien School'. Your child/children will be finding out all about this topic through a variety of fun, hands on and exciting activities.
As an Early Years Unit, we are delighted to be a part of your child's journey and are looking forward to watching your child/children make lots of happy memories. Thank you for your continued support in helping to make your child's learning as much fun as possible!
Miss B Britten
Please provide your child with one piece of fruit per day. Alternatively, you can pay a small fee for your child to have fruit from school. Please talk to a member of staff for more information.
Water bottles
Please provide your child with a water bottle, clearly labelled with their name, that they will have access to throughout the day.
Outdoor Learning
he children will be given lots of opportunities to engage with outdoor learning in various spaces. It is important that you bring a pair of wellies into school for your child to wear if the weather permits. Please ensure that they are clearly labelled with their name.
Please can all children wear a P.E kit to school on a Friday. This includes a navy tracksuit, white t shirt and trainers.