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Croeso I Dderbynfa!


Welcome to the academic year of 2019/2020 at West Park Primary. We hope that you all had a special Christmas together with your children. We are now well into our Spring term and the children are thoroughly enjoying learning through our new topic 'Dinosaur Planet'.


On this page you will be able to keep up to date with the children's learning, access class information and see pictures of their fantastic work. 


As an Early Years team, we are very excited to be a part of your child's journey and cannot wait to make lots of happy memories. Thank you for your continued support. Diolch yn fawr!


Miss Holland & Miss Juliff



Fruit - Please provide your child with 1 piece of fruit per day. Alternatively, you can pay a small fee for your child to have fruit from school. Please talk to a member of staff for more information. 


Water bottles - Please provide your child with a labelled water bottle that they will have access to throughout the day. 


Outdoor Learning - The children will be given lots of opportunities to engage with outdoor learning. It is important that you bring a pair of labelled wellies into school for your child to wear whilst learning in our wonderful outdoor classroom.


P.E - Please can all children wear their P.E kit to school on a Monday. This includes a navy tracksuit, white t-shirt and trainers. 


Home/School Learning Books -'Home/School Learning' books will be sent home fortnightly on a Friday as well as a 'Learning Map' which will be uploaded to the relevant section of this website. The 'Learning Map' will tell you about a variety of skills and activities the children have completed in school over a fortnight. We ask that you talk about these activities with your child and choose one skill to further practise or develop at home. You can record this in your book with a photograph, drawing or a simple sentence to explain what you did. Please can you then return this book the following Friday so that your child can share the activities they completed at home with their friends and teachers.


School Clothing

Please may we ask that all items of your child's clothing, especially jumpers, cardigans, hoodies and coats are clearly labelled with your child's name. We are encouraging them to become more independent and this would help them to identify their clothes more easily. 



At West Park we have an open-door policy. If you wish to speak to us at any time, LSOs will be available on the door every morning and teachers every afternoon. You can also contact us via the school office email or phone. 


Diolch yn fawr! 

