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Year 2

Croeso i Flwyddyn Dau

Welcome to the Year 2 web resource page

Here you will find useful organisational information, as well as resources to help your child with their learning.


We are looking forward to an extremely productive and positive year.

Thank you in advance for your support and commitment to help us make your child’s learning as successful and as much fun as possible!


Our team in Year 2 are:

Mrs J Mainwaring and Mrs J Hancock (Yr 2 Class Teachers)

Mrs Mowforth (PPA Teacher)

Miss C Morris and Miss E Harvey (Learning Support Officers)


If you wish to speak to us at any time, then LSOs are available on the door every morning and teachers are available on the door every afternoon. You can also contact us via email through the school office.


Things to bring every day.

To help and support your child with their learning please could you send your child to school each day with:-

  1. A water bottle - clearly labelled with your child’s name.
  2. A red West Park book bag as they fit perfectly in our trays. Please do not send rucksacks as space for oversized bags is very limited in our school.

Please could you also ensure that every piece of your child’s uniform is clearly labelled with their name as clothing and shoes are regularly mislaid. If your child’s clothing is clearly labelled there is far more chance of you recovering any property your child has lost.


Weekly Organisation

On Monday

Please come dressed in PE kit on this day every week. Our PE kit consists of trainers, navy tracksuit and a white t-shirt.

On Wednesday

Please return your child’s RWI book bag containing their RWI reading book, word list book, reading for enjoyment book and reading diary.

On Thursday

Your child will bring home their RWI book bag, Please try to read with your child and practice their new word list before the bag is returned the following Wednesday.

On Friday

Every fortnight your child will bring home their learning map book. The ‘Learning Map’ containing information about your child’s learning and ideas for activities you could complete with your child will be displayed on this webpage. Please return your child’s book to school the following Friday so they can share their learning with their peers.

Read Write Inc.

To teach your child to read we will be using the Read Write Inc scheme by Ruth Miskin. Your child will practise reading their book each day in school with the member of staff who is the leader of their group and this book will then be sent home by the end of the week for consolidation and further practise and enjoyment at home. Please sign and comment on your child’s progress at home in their Reading Diary. It is important that your child brings their reading book and diary back to school every Wednesday so that your child’s progress can be recorded and the book can be changed. Every effort will be made to change late books, but this cannot be guaranteed, in which case your child will keep their original book for the week and return it the following Wednesday.


If you would like to help your child to learn their speed sounds then you can download the set 2 and set 3 sounds below.

Off the Scheme

Resources to support your child's reading past the RWI scheme.

Learning Map Books

To further extend your child’s thinking and learning we will be sending home a Learning Map Book each fortnight. This will enable you to consolidate and develop the skills that have been taught in school through child initiated activities at home. It will also make you aware of your child’s next steps in learning.


Internet Safety

We will talking about Internet Safety as part of our ICT work this term. You may wish to watch this programme as a family to reinforce this message with your child.

Welsh Resources

If you wish to practice language patterns with your child then our Everyday Welsh Language book is available for you to download below along with Welsh Stories that you can enjoy reading together.

Everyday Welsh Language


Children can bring their own fruit to school each day. If you wish to pay for fruit from school this will only be collected on a half termly basis. You will be notified of the amount on the notice boards in your child’s area or via the school app.

Please make cheques payable to West Park Primary and place any payment in an envelope with your child’s name and class on the front.

Wellington Boots

Please could you ensure that your child has a pair of wellington boots in school that can be used during our outdoor activities. Once again, please ensure that these are labelled with your child's name.

Our Spring Term Topic is...
