Dear parents and carers
We would like to share with you information from the Welsh Local Government Association which supports our food and fitness policy at West Park.
As a healthy school we have a Food and Fitness policy which promotes healthy drinks and snacks. As part of this, pupils are allowed to drink fresh water in their classrooms and have access to water fountains so that they can refill their water bottles throughout the day.
To encourage this, we ask parents to provide their child with a bottle of fresh drinking water each day to keep in the classroom. Supported by WLGA advice, at West Park only plain water is permitted in the classrooms (not squash, juice, flavoured or fizzy water).
Occasionally, we know children will not drink water at home and we are always mindful of this. We overcome this by encouraging pupils to rehydrate in class, staff role modelling and by giving consistent messages. We find that pupils are happy to drink water along with their peer group when they know this is the school rule. Following this rule from Nursery helps children to enjoy water as their drink of choice.
Similarly, we encourage pupils to eat fruit by having a dedicated fruit snack time during the morning to boost our energy!
To encourage this, we ask parents to provide their child with a piece of fruit or tub of fruit pieces to enjoy at snack time. Supported by WLGA advice, at West Park only fruit is permitted for snack time (not cereal or fruity bars).
Please remember to label your child’s water bottle and fruit pots so they can easily identify them. If you have any questions about the Food and Fitness policy please contact us by phone or email.
Thank you for supporting us with this whole school approach to the promotion of healthy eating and drinking at West Park.
West Park Primary
Pupils are permitted to bring other drinks such as dilute squash or fruit juice in their lunchboxes if they would prefer to have this with their midday meal. Fizzy drinks and sweets should not be brought to school.